Live at the Lodge

A summer of free outdoor live music and entertainment. Family friendly festival atmosphere with the best local musicians and bands playing live under our magical canopy.

Starts around 7pm. Arrive early to grab the best seat. The Lodge will be open for food and drink until late; stone-baked craft pizzas, loaded fries and Pieminister Pies plus local beer and cider from Butcombe, Thatchers and the Bristol Beer Factory.


Saturday 25th Silverline
Sunday 26th Sam Evans
Friday 31st No Fixed Abode


Saturday 1st Dark Horses
Saturday 8th Silverline
Saturday 15th No Fixed Abode
Saturday 22nd Dan Droid
Saturday 29th Station 2 Station


Saturday 6th Lila J
Saturday 13th Groove Jacks
Saturday 20th The Peccadilloes
Saturday 27th Station 2 Station


Friday 2nd The Peccadilloes
Saturday 3rd Sam Evans
Friday 9th Silverline
Saturday 10th Groove Jacks
Friday 16th Lila J
Saturday 17th Station 2 Station
Friday 23rd Sam Evans
Saturday 24th The Peccadilloes
Sunday 25th Groove Jacks
* subject to change
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