Our Prices

Camping / Campervans

Freedom to camp where you like. Choose this option if your group are camping in tents and/or campervans (up to 2.7m high)

  • Adult £10
  • Child (4-15) £6
  • Infant (0-3) Free

  • Adult £15
  • Child (4-15) £10
  • Infant (0-3) Free

Rental Tents

Rent a safari tent. Bring your own roll mat. Choose from a Nomadic Bell Tent, a Bunkhouse Tent or The Glamphouse.

  • Nomadic Bell Tents (Sleeps 6)
  • Sun to Thur: £75 per night
  • Fri & Sat: £85 per night
  • Bunktents (Sleeps 6)
  • Sun to Thur: £75 per night
  • Fri & Sat: £85 per night
  • The Glamphouse (sleeps 6)
  • Sun to Thur: £80 per night
  • Fri & Sat : £95 per night

Lodge bunk rooms

Book a private, ensuite bunk room in our country lodge, a short woodland walk from the camp. Free continental breakfast included. Pricing is per room.

  • 4 bed/5 bed/6 bed bunk room
  • Sun to Thur: £80 per night (Free breakfast included)
  • Fri & Sat: £90 per night (Free breakfast included)
  • 7 bed/8 bed/9 bed bunk room
  • Sun to Thur: £95 per night (Free breakfast included)
  • Fri & Sat: £105 per night (Free breakfast included)
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